Blog – Page 4 of 8 – Mary Henderson
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It's been a few weeks since the big hoax was revealed: Manti Te'o's girlfriend — the one who died within hours of his grandmother's death, one who Te'o spoke of repeatedly, the one whose story became part of his Heisman campaign--never existed. This successful young...

Disappointment: An Opportunity to Learn There are no mistakes in life, only opportunities to learn a new lesson. Okay, so test that statement with me right now. Think of something from today or some time recently when you made a mistake or something felt bad in your...

In this blog post, my friend and colleague Eileen Callahan reveals some insightful tips for understanding our unwieldy emotional responses, so that we can choose healthier ones. Such an important step in maintaining our emotional health! Here's an excerpt from Eileen's newsletter, which you can...

My years of deep suffering came as a big surprise to me. I'd always been in great health and enjoyed a close relationship with God. When my health crisis first hit back in 1997, I was strong spiritually, fully trusting God. But as weeks of...

Looking for ways to add more joy to your week? Here’s a sneaky pattern of life that you might miss if you don’t look for it: when one door closes in your life, very often a new door will open as a result. It’s a normal...

You have something you really want to do, but it seems impossible. Stop for a minute and think… What is that thing that you really want? Is it a personal dream that you long to fulfill? Is it losing a significant amount of weight? Is it resolving difficult...

What is every-color-of-the-rainbow, everywhere, and delicious? I was driving through the hills near Budapest, Hungary in August, marveling at the thick fields full of corn stalks. On the roadsides here and there were stands selling plums, apples, squash, cucumbers, and multi-colored peppers...

It was a surreal, supernatural experience amidst the most ordinary of circumstances. I was in a meeting where many different people were telling about outstanding aspects of their past work year. And so guess what was going through my mind? Thoughts of comparison...

Have you ever been stuck on an island with no way off? While I've never been marooned on an actual physical island, there have been many times when I' ve felt trapped, unable to change no matter what I tried. Everyone has. Think of an area...