Step into Joy… Detoxify! – Mary Henderson
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Step into Joy… Detoxify!

Step into Joy… Detoxify!

June 15, 2011

Clear, bright, pure…the brilliant Colorado skies I’ve seen all summer are calling me to experience something more: clarity, brightness and purity in my body and soul.

But these are not the typical words we would use to describe ourselves. So how do we get there?

Detoxification – a vitally important part of physical, spiritual, and emotional health. We live in an age where toxins abound: in our food, water, media, music, values, relationships, and culture, polluting us without our even knowing it.

So, think about this: what’s one thing you can eliminate from your life to achieve more clarity, brightness, purity, …i.e. JOY! Where do you see toxic elements poisoning you inwardly and outwardly?

Or what do you need to ADD to purify yourself from poison that is pulling you down: a physical detoxification protocol? Fresh, pure water and foods? Counseling that will purify a problematic relationship, adding wholesomeness and health? Well-chosen reading, media, or musical input that will strengthen and fortify your spirit?

Write down one thing you will begin this week….then step into greater joy!